First released as an album in 1964.the best sketches and songs from You Don't Have To Be Jewish and follow up recordings are now available for the first time as published play scripts.
Fifty quick-fire sketches including the classic 'The Reading of the Will', "The Diamond' and 'The Ballad of Irving'.
Bob Booker's comedy draws on the traditions of Jewish vaudeville, The Yiddish Theatre, the Borscht Belt and the shtetls of Eastern Europe.
The Australian premiere was staged at Bondi Beach from October 25 until Nov 19.
"In these turbulent times we could sure use a laugh or two. So have I got a show for you. A highly amusing show....that moves at a cracking pace. " Sydney Arts Guide.
"A welcome light relief.... with more vignettes you can poke a schtick at, targeting schmucks, schnooks, schlemiels, and shiksas, mishegoss, mammas and mish-mosh, You Don't Have to Be Jewish is a rollicking relic of vaudeville and the Borscht Belt where corn is made kosher and the zingers are on Zimmers." Australian stage.
"Most of all they make people laugh. They laugh because the scripts are funny. They laugh because the characters depicted are universal so ‘you don’t have to be Jewish’ to recognise them." Stage Whispers Magazine.
See our launch of the publication with Bob Booker himself.