A gorgeous musical adventure based on a children's classic.
In a wondrous world of riddles and hidden treasure, bumbling Jack Hare is on a race against time to deliver a message of love from the Moon to the Sun. Far, far away in a world just like ours, a mother cheers her son Joe with the tale of Jack Hare’s adventure. But when Jack’s mission goes topsy-turvy, Joe and his mum must come to the rescue, and the line between the two worlds becomes blurred forever.
"With Kit Williams himself as mentor and friend, she has interwoven her own story and the magic that is Masquerade into a beautiful and moving piece of theatre, which, like the book, has universal appeal." Stage Whispers.
"Music by Mikelangelo and the Black Sea Gentlemen is wonderful, and provides a perfectly eclectic underscore of gypsy-classical-rock." Theatre People.
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Joe - a 10 year old boy.
Tessa - Joe's mother.
Jack - a hare.
Moon - a raven haired woman.
Sun - a fair haired man.
The man who plays the music that makes the world go round - the keeper of time.
Fat Nurse - feels nothing.
Fat Pig - feels everything.
Penny Pockets - seller of goods and bads.
Tara Treetops - seller of dreams.
Craw - a crow.
Sir Isaac Newton- a philosopher.
The practical man - an opportunist.
Fish - a fish.
Dawn - an early morning walker.
Barber Bob, Barner Bill and Barber Barbara - an incomplete quarter.
Medical Staff - humourless ghouls.
Writers Note. In this play any one actor can play several; different characters . Ideally the cast size should be no less than six performers who double through out the show.